Health and social care courses cover a wide range of topics and are designed to train delegates with the knowledge to develop their skills in caring for others in health or social care settings. It is important that learners choose the right courses to further them in their chosen career, although it is possible with e-learning courses to take more than one concurrently to speed up the learning process.
We offer a wide range of health and social training courses available on an e-learning basis across the spectrum of both adult and young person’s care; categorised, these include:
Individual Centred
- Chair Based Exercise Training
- Person Centred Care
- Dignity and Privacy
- Learning Disability Awareness
- End of Life Care
Dementia Awareness
- Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty training
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Children
On the Job
- Handling Information in a Care Setting
- Infection Control
- Safe Handling of Medicines
- Infection Prevention and Control
Personal Development
- Personal Development
- Understanding your Role in Care