TWCTC Training (CITB) - Temporary Works Co-ordinator Training

£400 per delegate. This may be less for special offers on specific course dates and in-company training courses

Duration: 2 days

Trainer: SS341E

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“Co-ordinating the temporary works process” This two day course is designed to assist those on site who have responsibility for managing all forms of temporary works. It is also designed to give confidence to senior management and those who engage contractors have reached an assessed standard of knowledge. The course has the support of a number of organisations: Temporary Works Forum CECA, UKCG, HSE and FMB. The support of these organisations offers transferability of the course within industry.
Temporary works are usually safety and business-critical and require careful co-ordination. An accepted way of achieving this is through the adoption of the management process outlined in BS5975, which introduces the temporary works co-ordinator (TWC) as a key figure. This course explains the role and the overall management context within which it sits.
High risk can occur on small as well as larger sites hence understanding the essentials of good safety risk management, as outlined in BS5975, is relevant for projects of all sizes. This course will give the delegate thorough knowledge of the Temporary Works Co-ordinator role however this does not alone make a delegate competent, as this requires other attributes e.g. experience.

Aims and Objectives:

This course is not a temporary works awareness course. It is only concerned with the process of co-ordination of temporary works, commonly expressed through the role of the Temporary Works Co-ordinator. Attendance does not confer competency as a Temporary Works Co-ordinator.
The course gives emphasis, throughout, to:
- The importance of communication, co-ordination, co-operation and competency. The ‘4Cs’.
- Risk management: safety and also business related
Allowing the Temporary Works Co-ordinator (TWC) to:
- Understand the need for and duties of a TWC
- Understand the role of others
- Have a detailed knowledge and understanding of BS5975 in respect of this role.


The method of assessment will be by multiple-choice questions at the end of the course as well as being expected to be interactive during the course.
Course Attendance:
Delegates are required to attend both sessions, since without full attendance and achievement in the examination the Temporary Works Co-ordinator Training Course cannot be made.
Delegates must attend the days in order and, where not on consecutive days, must complete the course within two weeks. Delegates unable to attend both days due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. certificated sickness) will need to enrol onto a new course in order to maintain continuity of learning outcomes and attend both days again.

It is expected that experienced and competent Temporary Works Co-ordinators will attend this course. Competence comes from a mixture of education, training and experience and should be judged by an appropriate senior individual, usually referred to as the Designated Individual (DI). Training is considered an essential element of Temporary Works Co-ordinator competence.


Background Publications:

It is mandatory for all delegates to have a comprehensive understanding of BS 5975:2008 + A1:2011. Ideally delegates should have a copy of BS 5975; however, their own organisation’s procedures and guidance on temporary works may be more suitable for reference during the course.
Although the following is not mandatory, delegates may find the following useful
- BS EN12811-1:20031 Temporary works equipment. Scaffolds. Performance requirements and general design
- BS EN12812:2008. Falsework ‐ performance requirements and general design
- BS EN12813:2004. Temporary works equipment. Load bearing towers of prefabricated components. Particular methods of structural design
- NASC TG20.08 plus supplement 1
- NASC TG9:12
- BS7121 suite of standards
- Bragg, S.L., Interim report of the advisory committee on falsework. 1974 HMSO and the finalreport issued in 1975.
- Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 and CDM Approved Code of Practice(ACoP) L144 HSE Books or download
- Safe erection, use and dismantling of falsework
- Concrete Centre
- A Guide to the Safe Use of Formwork and Falsework
- CSG005 Concrete Society
- ICE manual of health and safety in construction. Thomas Telford 2010
- Temporary Works: Principles of Design and Construction. Thomas Telford 2010
- Retention of Masonry Facades – best practice guide C579, CIRIA, 2003
- Formwork – a guide to good practice, 3rd Edition CS030, The Concrete Society, 2012
- Competency of the TWC (TWf advice note) at
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Enter a location to find distance

Location Region Start Date Days Price ex. VAT    
Birmingham Midlands Tue 13 Aug 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Cricklewood London, London All Areas, London North, London West, South East Tue 20 Aug 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Stockport Midlands, North East, North West Tue 10 Sep 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Bexleyheath London, London All Areas, London East, London South, South East Tue 24 Sep 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Nottingham East Anglia, Midlands, North East, North West Thu 26 Sep 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Ilford East Anglia, London, London All Areas, London East, London North, South East Tue 8 Oct 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Birmingham Midlands Tue 12 Nov 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Nottingham East Anglia, Midlands, North East, North West Tue 12 Nov 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Cricklewood London, London All Areas, London North, London West, South East Wed 27 Nov 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

Bexleyheath London, London All Areas, London East, London South, South East Tue 3 Dec 24

This course runs over two consecutive days, start date as indicated.

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